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An Alpha-1  morning tea get together is being hosted by Gaynor Heading in Sydney at 10am on Sunday, 5 Jan 2020 (UTC+11). For detail see AAA Facebook > Event  or the AAA discussion forum.

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Our Supporters

CSL BerhingBailiwick GroupFigurroHWL Ebbsworth LawyersLung Foundation AustraliaSuspenders CleaningSteven Harris Creative DesignSt Vincents HealthRotary Canterburyyoug.pngzaRotary_logo.png


 The AAA has produced an information booklet which contains more detail about A1AD, and a poster for raising awareness. You can access the booklet and poster by clicking on the images below. The poster may be printed locally in A3 or A4 size. Please encourage your family doctor or respiratory physician to put a poster on display in the surgery or patient waiting area! For more information about A1AD, see our Links section.